Undercover Sister - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Undercover Sister


2.Undercover Sister
Report to Donna Brascoe to collect a reward for your heroism in Zul'Aman. Donna is currently stationed in the Ghostlands, just outside Zul'aman.


<Donna looks around and then whispers to you.>

<name>, what I'm about to tell you must remain confidential, understood?

I've been sent by the Shattrath Peacekeepers to infiltrate Budd's gang here. Truth be told, since you first arrived you've been a key person of interest in my investigation.

But your deeds have since cleared you of any suspicion. In fact, for your slaying of the crazed warlord, Zul'Jin, I'm compelled to reward you for your efforts.


You will receive:
Badge of Justice
Also, you get: 13 20


<Donna looks around and then whispers to you.>

<name>, what I'm about to tell you must remain confidential, understood?

I've been sent by the Shattrath Peacekeepers to infiltrate Budd's gang here. Truth be told, since you first arrived you've been a key person of interest in my investigation.

But your deeds have since cleared you of any suspicion. In fact, for your slaying of the crazed warlord, Zul'Jin, I'm compelled to reward you for your efforts.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1900 experience (1 14 at max. level)

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