Blood of the Warlord - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Blood of the Warlord


1.Blood of the Warlord
Bring the Blood of Zul'jin to Budd at his camp in the Ghostlands, outside Zul'Aman.
Blood of Zul'jin
Provided Item:
Blood of Zul'jin


The entirety of this quest happens in Ghostlands.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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As you examine the pulsating vial, your thoughts turn to the petulant little man outside Zul'Aman.

You can't wait to see Budd's expression when he sees this!


<Budd tries to mask his displeasure at your presence.>

You again....

I don't know how else to say it - I'm simply too busy with my preparations to hold your hand any longer.

Trust me, <name>, it's all for the best. Perhaps, by some miracle, you might eventually build a name for yourself.

If so, you'll be able to say that you got your start from the incomparable Budd Nedreck!


Th-the Blood of Zul'jin himself you say?

<Gathering himself, Budd continues>

Well, I appreciate the gesture, <class>, but I could've taken him down with ease. There's no way he was as fearful as the legends say. These things have a way of being utterly overstated, as you'll learn in time. More likely, the pitiful old cretin was overcome with arthritis!

Anyway, I suppose it was the least you could do as payment for the kindness I've shown you here.

Now off with you - I must dispose of this vile vial!

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