Of Keys and Cages - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Of Keys and Cages


1.Of Keys and Cages
Father Levariol has asked you to collect enough Gjalerbron Cage Keys to free 10 Gjalerbron Prisoners. Return to him at Westguard Keep when you manage to do so.
Gjalerbron Prisoner Freed (10) [Opening Gjalerbron Cage]


The entirety of this quest happens in Howling Fjord.
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The captain may not care, but from the little we know, the vrykul are conducting heinous rites in some sort of 'awakening' ritual up north in Gjalerbron.

They're using living sacrifices to fuel their unholy rituals!

<class>, you must put a stop to this! It matters not who or what is in those cages, they must be freed. I'd bet that the vrykul hold the keys.

The Light knows the last thing we need is more of those strange vrykul walking about, or worse yet, them wakening something even more evil!


Also, you get: 4 70


With the prisoners at Gjalerbron freed, the vrykul will be unable to continue their unholy rites.

You're our only hope of stopping them.


Bless you child! With your help, the Light shines even in the darkest of places.

Please, take this as just compensation for your good deeds. I shall see to the salvation of those you freed; at least, those truly within the Light, and the Alliance, who returned here to the keep.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4000 experience (2 40 at max. level)

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