Slay 10 Deathless Watchers, 4 Fearsome Horrors, and 2 Putrid Wights. Afterward, inform Father Levariol at Westguard Keep of your success.
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Your service has been exemplary, <name>, but there is something that is troubling me: the Scourge.
The Light cannot abide their presence, and neither shall we. I hope that it is not asking you too much, but I would have you return north to Gjalerbron and crush the unholy Scourge in that vile lair! Be sure to check for them in the Waking Halls beneath Gjalerbron as well.
Purification is the key to salvation, my child. Make us proud!
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4 70
The Holy Light moves through your actions and in all things.
No creature, no place, no matter how wicked, can escape its wrath!
<The priest quietly mouths a benediction for you.>
Bless you, <name>, you have answered my prayers. Stand proudly in the Light, chin held high with the knowledge that your actions were most holy!
I'm certain that the church's coffers can yield up something of use to you.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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