The Honored Ancestors - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Honored Ancestors


1.The Honored Ancestors
Elder Atkanok outside Coldrock Quarry wants you to identify the statues of Elder Kesuk, Elder Sagani, and Elder Takret.
Elder Kesuk identified
Elder Sagani identified
Elder Takret identified


<A distant voice echoes in your head as you regard the stone statue.>

Do not be startled, stranger. I am Elder Atkanok, an ancient ancestor of the tuskarr people, a skilled craftsman in my own time and the guardian of this quarry for centuries.

The quarry has been overrun, leaving many statues unfinished while the ancestors' spirits wander the world. Will you aid me in righting this wrong?

First, I must know the names of these wandering ancestors. Look for the markers near their statues.


Also, you get: 5


<The distant voice returns.>

Have you recovered the names of the wandering elders?


<Elder Atkanok's voice greets you as you approach his statue.>

Well done, <name>. With the names of the wandering elders, we can continue the ceremonies disrupted during the attack. However, before the elders' spirits can be led to their stones, we must calm the spirits of the murdered craftsmen and shaman. Otherwise, the ancestor spirits may never hear the ceremony's call.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8100 experience (4 86 at max. level)

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