Elder Atkanok, on the outskirts of Coldrock Quarry, wants you to free the spirits of 3 Kaskala Craftsmen and 3 Kaskala Shaman.
The entirety of this quest happens in Borean Tundra.
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In the attack on the quarry, the shaman and craftsmen working here were slain. The violence threw the spirit world into utter chaos and we'll be unable to guide the ancestors home unless we find a way to soothe the spirits of the murdered.
The aggressors themselves pay no heed to the spirits, but their companions, the beryl hounds, sense the spirits and hold them in thrall.
Kill the beryl hounds, and using the raw energy left behind, break the imprisonment of the spirits of the innocent.
Also, you get:
How fare the spirits of the innocent?
I can sense the upheaval in the spirit world beginning to calm. You have done well, <name>. The spirits of the ancestors are fortunate to have your help in this time of need.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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