Archmage Berinand at the Transitus Shield has asked you to collect the readings from his instruments in Coldarra.
The entirety of this quest happens in Borean Tundra.
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I had hoped that the Nexus' impact was limited to this region. Recently though, reports have flooded in from all over Azeroth suggesting that geologic instability is growing exponentially!
I need the Nexus monitored regularly as I work to develop a solution.
I've placed sensitive instruments around Coldarra, disguised as Malygos' scrying orbs. One lies in the trench near the Nexus, and three are hidden in the structures around the valley's perimeter. Visit each and return to me with their readings.
Also, you get:
4 70
Have you read all of my instruments, <class>?
This is worse than I expected.
Malygos is channeling too much power to this place. If he's not stopped, Azeroth will be the next Outlands!
Fortunately, I believe that I've engineered a temporary solution....
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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