Archmage Berinand in the Transitus Shield wants you to use the Interdimensional Refabricator near the rift in the Nexus.
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I've determined the cause of the instability!
Azeroth's ley lines are being redirected to the Nexus. It's fascinating! If only I could spend the remainder of my days studying this anomaly....
Sadly, I must focus on the immediate crisis. The influx of arcane energies is tearing a rift between dimensions.
Deep inside the Nexus, the fabric of our universe is being weakened. I cannot stop it, but I've discovered a way to slow it down.
Take this into the Nexus and activate it near the forming rift.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
18 80
Have you been to the rift in the Nexus?
Excellent work, <name>. The tremors have already begun to subside.
With any luck, your efforts have granted us sufficient time to find a way to thwart Malygos' efforts.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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