Drakuru at Granite Springs wants you to bring him an Imbued Vial, a Waterweed Frond, and 3 Haze Leaves.
The entirety of this quest happens in Grizzly Hills.
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First things first, mon. There be some preparatory work that need doin'.
No tellin' how long dey gunna keep me here. Ya be needin' a powerful elixir so we can be keepin' in touch.
Lucky for you, I know just the thing! And the ingredients all be close by.
I need a vial from the pretty little troll over there, some waterweed from the lake just north of here, and a few haze leaves found around the camp here.
Hurry now, mon, before dey be haulin' me away.
You got da stuff, mon?
<Drakuru takes the ingredients and deftly combines them in the vial.>
This should do it, mon. Now it be time to get to work.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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