Drakuru wants you to go to the uppermost chamber at Blue Sky Logging Ground and find the Heart of the Ancients.
The entirety of this quest happens in Grizzly Hills.
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Secrets of da ages, be revealed to me now!
<Drakuru peers through the Eye of the Prophets.>
Ahh, great be mah destiny, <name>. You be lucky ta know me....
There! I be seein' it, mon. The Heart of the Ancients. Dis be too easy!
You gunna find da heart lyin' near da corpse of a goblin east of here. He be up in a chamber, near a river of broken trees.
Hurry, mon, before someone else be findin' it!
You will receive:
This unfortunate goblin must have unearthed the Heart of the Ancients during his excavations in the region.
It's doubtless that he had no clue as to its nature.
You determine that it must have been overlooked in the chaos sweeping through the area.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
Additional Information