Search the weapon racks in Ebon Hold for a Battle-worn Sword and then use it on a runeforge to craft a Runebladed Sword.
Return the Runebladed Sword to Instructor Razuvious in Ebon Hold.
The entirety of this quest happens in Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave.
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The single most important piece of equipment to a death knight is the runeblade. It is through the runeblade that a death knight commands the powers of frost, blood and the unholy. The runeblade also acts as a vessel to store the death knight's runic power.
The time has come to create your first runeblade. Search the weapon racks on this floor and locate a battle-worn sword. Once found, take the sword to a nearby runeforge and use it to create a runeblade.
You will receive:
The following spell will be cast on you:
The runeblade is an extension of your being. A death knight cannot battle without a runeblade.
Well done, <name>. You have successfully created your first runebladed weapon. With it you will sow the seeds of chaos and destruction! In your wake will be a bloodied field of battle, littered with the corpses of all that would dare oppose the Scourge.
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