Instructor Razuvious in Ebon Hold has commanded you to use your Runeforging ability to engrave a rune [of your choosing] upon your Runed Soulblade.
You may freely replace the engraving upon your weapon at any time, so long as you are near a Runeforge.
The entirety of this quest happens in Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave.
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The mark of war is etched indelibly upon your soul, death knight. You have learned the dark art of runeforging and with it you will engrave runes of power upon your weaponry.
Preparations for battle must be made. Return to one of the runeforges, here in the Heart of Acherus, and use the power of runeforging to emblazon your weapon with a rune of power!
Return to me when your blade glows with dark energy!
Do not waste time, <name>. We are on the brink of apocalypse!
Remember these words, death knight: The Runeforge is a Scourge instrument. It exists only in Acherus, Naxxramas and the heart of Icecrown! You may only emblazon your weaponry at a Runeforge.
Return often and emblazon all of your weapons. A death knight must be prepared for all that would dare oppose him!
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