Scalper Ahunae at Zim'Torga has asked you to retrieve the Treasure of Kutube'sa, the Treasure of Gawanil, and the Treasure of Chulo the Mad.
The entirety of this quest happens in Zul'Drak.
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You thinkin' what Ahunae thinkin', mon?
Some of the Drakkari trolls have gathered at the Pools of Jin'Alai to the southwest. We be needin' to draw out their leaders, and Ahunae knows just how you be doin' it, too!
Go in there and kill those trolls. When you kill enough, their leaders show up.
When they show up next to their totems, you make sure to be gettin' the treasure of Kutube'sa, Gawanil, and Chulo the Mad, mon.
You can choose one of these awards:
You will receive:
Also, you get:
6 50
The <class> must be back talkin' to Ahunae because the <class> has all that treasure.
The scalper thinkin' that you be his kind of <race>!
What's these candybars doin' in here? What we do with this, mon?
Ahunae say that you can have them back!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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