Scalper Ahunae at Zim'Torga wants you to use Ahunae's Knife to scalp 10 Heb'Drakkar trolls.
The scalper reminds you that you should loot them first.
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I thinkin' it be time to do some scalpin', mon!
The trolls at Heb'Drakkar to the northeast should do nicely. With their fancy bats and attackin' us, they got it comin'!
Ahunae even give you his own knife so that you do the job right.
Also, you get:
6 50
Ahunae know there be no way that <name> scalp that many of the Heb'Drakkar so quickly.
Aw, me thinkin' that too funny.
<name> is my kind of <race>!
You still got my knife?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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