The People's Militia - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The People's Militia


2.The People's Militia
Gryan Stoutmantle wants you to kill 15 Defias Pillagers and 15 Defias Looters and return to him on Sentinel Hill.
Defias Pillager slain (15)
Defias Looter slain (15)


The entirety of this quest happens in Westfall.
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A band of vicious Defias Pillagers has been seen plundering the Gold Coast Quarry, Moonbrook and the Alexston Farmstead. The People's Militia will not stand for such behavior. Dispatch immediately, <name>, and make the Light's presence known in Westfall.

The Gold Coast Quarry is near the shore, to the West of the tower. As the next step of your training, I want you to kill 15 of those foul Defias Pillagers and 15 Defias Looters.


Also, you get: 6


We have not time to talk, <name>. The Defias Pillagers are denying the people of Westfall the peace and prosperity they deserve. Make sure at least 15 Defias Pillagers and 15 Defias Looters have been killed. That will send a clear message that corruption is not welcome here.


Your worth to The People's Militia has been validated by your brave acts thus far.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 125 experience (6 at max. level)

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