Gryan Stoutmantle wants you to kill 15 Defias Highwaymen, 5 Defias Pathstalkers and 5 Defias Knuckledusters then return to him on Sentinel Hill.
The entirety of this quest happens in Westfall.
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Some Defias have eluded us. My most trusted scout reports that these Defias have been looting and pillaging the countryside, all the way into Southern Westfall. We believe they are hiding out in the Dagger Hills, plotting their next move. Slay the wretches in the name of The People's Militia.
You can choose one of these awards:
<name>, now is no time for idle chatter. If you still wish to prove yourself to The People's Militia you need to slay the Defias I notified you about earlier. Return to me when you have completed your duty.
When I left the tainted lands of Lordaeron I returned to a grim state of affairs here in my homeland. But there is hope for Westfall yet. As proven by your valor in battle, it is obvious to me that you serve our cause with honor. It is with great pride that I induct thee into The People's Militia. May the Light shine upon you.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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