King Jokkum in Dun Niffelem wants you to enter the Halls of Lightning and defeat Loken. You are then to return to King Jokkum with Loken's Tongue.
The entirety of this quest happens in Zul'Drak.
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One way or another, Loken shall fall.
If I have to rip him limb from limb myself, he soon shall pay for his wretched deeds.
Should you meet with him before I do, the honor and glory of his defeat shall be yours.
Return to me with his lying tongue, and earn my blessing and gratitude.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
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Has justice been brought to Loken?
That vile worm is dead?
You have turned out to be a great boon to my people, little <race>.
Please accept this gift in return for your loyal friendship.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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