King Jokkum at Dun Niffelem wants you to enter the Halls of Lightning and defeat Volkhan.
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I shall speak plainly to you, little <race>. My people have not been the same since our ties with Thorim were severed.
As their leader, I wish nothing more than for their hearts to be mended and our friendship with the Stormlord to be renewed. In your defeat of Fjorn, a step has been taken down that path. I would have you bring us a step further...
In the Halls of Lightning, one even greater than Fjorn sits in opposition to our existence. Volkhan will not rest until either he, or we, are no more.
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29 60
Has Volkhan been extinguished, little <race>?
Volkhan shall haunt the dreams of my people no more.
Continue your efforts, little <race>. In time, I am certain my people will grow to forgive Thorim.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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