Thassarian, aboard the Skybreaker, wants you to construct 8 Barricades using your Barricade Construction Kit.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Icecrown.
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When our forces begin to move beyond Aldur'thar, they will be vulnerable to attack from the Ironwall Rampart and the broad glacier below.
We have neither the time nor the materials to build fortifications, but we can put up some barricades to shield our men from fire and break up Scourge charges.
Take this barricade kit to the Valley of Fallen Heroes, on the west side of Aldur'thar. Locate the markers I've placed there and use this kit to construct your barricades there.
Also, you get:
7 40
Have you constructed those barricades?
<Thassarian nods.>
Good. It's not much protection, but it's better than nothing. That gate is still the perfect choke point if the Scourge commanders know what they're doing. We must gain control of as much of the surrounding area as possible.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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