The Ironwall Rampart - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Ironwall Rampart


  • Level: 80
  • Requires level: 77
  • Type: Group
  • Side: Alliance
  • Start: Thassarian
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 77  78  82  87
1.The Ironwall Rampart
Defeat Grimkor the Wicked and return to Thassarian aboard the Skybreaker.
Grimkor the Wicked slain
Suggested Players [5]
Provided Item:
Rune of Distortion


The Ironwall Rampart overlooks the Valley of Fallen Heroes, west of Aldur'thar. The rampart dominates the fields below on all sides. We will not be able to advance if the rampart cannot be taken, but it is held by Grimkor the Wicked and his Cult of the Damned disciples.

If you can weaken Grimkor, our forces will know what to expect as we advance. Take this rune of distortion. Unleashing its power near Grimkor's orb at the end of the rampart should be enough to get the necromancer's attention.


Also, you get: 14 80


Have you completed your mission?


So Grimkor has fallen by your hand? Excellent work. With him out of the way, our chances of taking and holding the rampart during the assault are greatly improved.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 27550 experience (16 53 at max. level)

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