Gather 9 Dirty Knucklebones from Crushridge ogres in the Alterac Mountains. Bring them to Marshal Redpath in Southshore.
The entirety of this quest happens in Hillsbrad Foothills.
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Crushridge ogres have dug an ogre mound up in the Alterac Mountains near the ruined city of Alterac. And my scouts tell me they've taken over those ruins as well.
We can't let them get cozy up there; if they think they're safe where they are, then their next step will be to move down into the foothills, which will put them right at our front door!
Go north to the Alterac Mountains and hunt ogres. Bring me the Dirty Knucklebones they carry and you will earn a nice bounty.
Also, you get:
<name>, are you still hunting ogres? Do you have the knucklebones I had you gather?
Very good, <name> You must have hacked through a whole mess of ogres to get all these knucklebones.
That should keep them out of our hair. At least, for a while.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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