Slay 10 Crushridge Warmongers, then return to Marshal Redpath in Southshore.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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Now that you've had a taste of the Crushridge ogres, I want you to really bloody their noses...
Go into the Ruins of Alterac and seek out the Crushridge Warmongers. I want you to cut down a good number of them - that's the only way those brutes will learn to keep their distance from Alliance territory.
You can choose one of these awards:
You have more Warmongers to slay, <name>. You should be up on the mountains on your task, not down here with your weapon stowed.
Very good. Here is your reward.
And when you were hunting those Warmongers, how did Alterac city look? It's in bad shape I would guess. Ogres are not known for their cleanliness.
Thankfully, your efforts will help keep them away from Southshore.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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