Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee... - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee...


Find Duskwing and slay him. From the corpse, recover a Patch of Duskwing's Fur and return it to Nathanos Blightcaller.

It is said that Duskwing roams the countryside to the north of Marris Stead.
Patch of Duskwing's Fur


The entirety of this quest happens in Eastern Plaguelands.
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Up until now, you have completed the missions I have assigned; even if not in the most timely manner.

I suppose you think that you are ready for a challenge. Yes... Yes, imbecile, perhaps you are ready for a more involved set of missions.

The albino demon bat, Duskwing, roams the countryside just north of here. Track him down and destroy him. Return to me with a patch of his white fur and you shall be rewarded.


You can choose one of these awards:
Duskwing Gloves
Duskwing Mantle
Also, you get: 90


I would not recommend that you take on this challenge alone, <class>.


Excellent work, imbecile. I shall fashion this fur into something you can use.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 950 experience (57 at max. level)

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