Ramstein - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database


Travel to Stratholme and slay Ramstein the Gorger. Take his head as a souvenir for Nathanos.
Head of Ramstein the Gorger


The entirety of this quest happens in Eastern Plaguelands.
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I was overwhelmed. On this very stead, I stood... held my ground in defense of Lordaeron. The farm and all on it were waylaid by a gigantic wave of Scourge.

The wretch. The filth. It hovered above me, entrails hanging from its gaping chest cavity.

I woke as Scourge. For so long I was helpless. My mind had coalesced with the Lich King's.

She came for me... somewhere, somehow, I knew she would. Free.

And now, I must have my vengeance - my vengeance on that which took from me my life. Destroy it.


You can choose one of these awards:
Royal Seal of Alexis
Elemental Circle
Also, you get: 1 80


After Sylvanas freed me, I hunted the beast across these wastes for months. It fled to the safety of Stratholme. The bastard...


I wonder... did it beg for mercy? Could it know what mercy is?

<Nathanos spits.>

I will hang this beast's head upon my wall.

You have earned a spot amongst one of my champions, <name>.

<Nathanos salutes.>


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1450 experience (87 at max. level)

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