Speak with Gerrig Bonegrip in the Forlorn Cavern of Ironforge.
The entirety of this quest happens in Ironforge.
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<Myzrael speaks.>
Free! I AM FREE! I am free to gather strength, hidden from my captors. For if they faced me now they would surely overpower and again imprison me.
But in time I will confront the giants, and they will regret their wardship of me!
You are a noble ally, <name>. I will need your help again in time. When I am ready, I will need you to summon me to the surface.
Speak with Gerrig Bonegrip. He is in Ironforge, in a shop of the Forlorn Cavern. He knows how I can be summoned.
The Lady told me of your coming, <class>. You are welcome in my abode for you, like I, serve a higher cause.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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