Wildeyes - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database


Bring the Case of Blood to Gorzeeki Wildeyes at the Altar of Storms in the Burning Steppes.
Case of Blood
Provided Item:
Case of Blood


My servant, Gorzeeki, is an alchemist of some skill. He can prepare the ink I will need for your parchment. I gathered together the blood you acquired; take it to Gorzeeki so that he can begin his work.


You have something for me? It's not a big, juicy spider, is it? Or maybe a roach? I hope it's still alive... I so love chewing on them when they're still alive...


Oh, it's blood. It must be from master Mor'zul then. He is so enamored with the stuff, and loves to see it spilled. I, however, prefer it coursing through the veins of a small rodent. It stays warm that way... until you want it.

This is powerful blood. Mor'zul must be making another parchment to summon a dreadsteed! How exciting!

If that's true, and you're going to perform the ritual, then... you're going to need a lot more than blood, my friend.

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