Magasha at Swamprat Post wants you to kill Sporewing.
The entirety of this quest happens in Zangarmarsh.
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Someone needs to find a way to make Reavij come to his senses! He's ignoring his duty and instead, he's devoting all his energy to getting my attention. I've tried ignoring him and telling him to stop. Nothing seems to work.
Until he gets over this, I'm left cleaning up after him. He was supposed to have dealt with Sporewing, but I'll bet the monster is alive and well. If you have time, would you mind going to the western part of the Dead Mire and killing the bat? I'll deal with Reavij in the meantime.
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2 70
There's no changing his mind, I swear. I think I'm going to have to ask Shadow Hunter Denjai for a transfer back to Zabra'jin.
At least someone is pulling his weight around here. Thank you for taking care of that matter, <name>. I need to have a word with Zurai about Reavij. His scheming and daydreaming have gone on long enough.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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