Return to Ranger Vynna at the Farstrider Enclave with Dar'Khan's Journal.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Ghostlands.
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As you skim through the pages in the journal you're overcome by an unnerving sense of being watched.
The contents are unsettling. Dar'Khan's soul was one filled with hatred and contempt for his own people. The extent of his machinations and plots are all documented in great detail.
Perhaps there is something here that Vynna will find useful.
Also, you get:
Tell me, <name>, what did you find out?
This information is very valuable, <name>. We all knew about Dar'Khan's plans to steal the power of the Sunwell for the Scourge, but much of the information found here is completely new to us. Magister Kaendris at the Sanctum of the Sun will want to look at this.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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