The Twin Ziggurats - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Twin Ziggurats


5.The Twin Ziggurats
Travel to the Bleeding Ziggurat and the Howling Ziggurat and recover the Stone of Light and the Stone of Flame. Return to Magister Kaendris at the Sanctum of the Sun after recovering the items.
Stone of Flame
Stone of Light


Part of this quest happens in GhostlandsAshenvale.
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According to this journal, Dar'Khan promised the Scourge two powerful elven artifacts: the stone of light and the stone of flame. These were imbued with the magical energies of the Sunwell and attuned to have warding powers against the Scourge.

The crystals were to be transported to where the Howling Ziggurat and the Bleeding Ziggurat now stand, in the middle of the Dead Scar. If they're still held there, we need to recover them. Their power will be greatly useful in our struggle against the enemy.


You can choose one of these awards:
Sunwell Blade
Sunwell Orb
Also, you get: 9


Have you recovered the crystals yet?


The rumors were true! The stone of light and the stone of flame do exist! We shall use their power to create weapons against Dar'Khan.

Use them when the time is right and the energies of the Sunwell, trapped within these objects, will vanquish him with the very power he sought to steal from us!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 190 experience (11 40 at max. level)
  • 200000 Reputation with Tranquillien

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