A Brew-FAST Mount Obtain an epic Brewfest mount. | Both | |||
A Tribute to Immortality In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode. | ||||
A Tribute to Immortality In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode. | ||||
Amani War Bear Owner of Amani War Bear. | Both | |||
And I'll Form the Head! Obtain Mimiron's Head from 25-player Yogg-Saron with no Keepers assisting you. | Both | |||
Ashes of Al'ar Obtain the Ashes of Al'ar from Kael'thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep. | Both | |||
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian Wielder of Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian. | Both | |||
Avast Ye, Admiral! Obtain the Bloodsail Admiral's Hat... and try to get some fresh air every now and then. | Both | |||
Big Blizzard Bear Proud owner of the Big Blizzard Bear from the 2008 BlizzCon. | Both | |||
Big Love Rocket Obtain the Big Love Rocket from Apothecary Hummel in Shadowfang Keep during Love is in the Air. | Both | |||
Blood Guard Earned the title, Blood Guard. | ||||
Blue Brewfest Stein Proud owner of the 2008 Vintage Blue Brewfest Stein. | Both | |||
Brutal Gladiator Achieved Brutal Gladiator title. | Both | |||
Brutal Nether Drake Obtain the Brutal Nether Drake from Arena Season 4 of The Burning Crusade. | Both | |||
Centurion Earned the title, Centurion. | ||||
Champion Earned the title, Champion. | ||||
Champion of the Naaru Earned the title, Champion of the Naaru. | Both | |||
Charger Completed the paladin quest to obtain a Charger. | Both | |||
Clockwork Rocket Bot Proud owner of the 2007 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Clockwork Rocket Bot. | Both | |||
Collector's Edition: Frost Wyrm Whelp Owner of the Wrath of the Lich King's Collector's Edition Frost Wyrm Whelp pet. | Both | |||
Collector's Edition: Mini-Diablo Owner of the World of Warcraft Collector's Edition Mini-Diablo pet. | Both | |||
Collector's Edition: Netherwhelp Owner of the The Burning Crusade's Collector's Edition Netherwhelp pet. | Both | |||
Collector's Edition: Panda Owner of the World of Warcraft Collector's Edition Panda pet. | Both | |||
Collector's Edition: Zergling Owner of the World of Warcraft Collector's Edition Zergling pet. | Both | |||
Commander Earned the title, Commander. | ||||
Competitor's Tabard Proud owner of a Competitor's Tabard from the 2008 Spirit of Competition event. | Both | |||
Corporal Earned the title, Corporal. | ||||
Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Proud owner of the 2008 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Crashin' Thrashin' Racer. | Both | |||
Deadly Gladiator Achieved Deadly Gladiator title. | Both | |||
Deadly Gladiator's Frostwyrm Obtain the Deadly Gladiator's Frostwyrm from Arena Season 5 of Wrath of the Lich King. | Both | |||
Deathcharger's Reins Obtain the Deathcharger's Reins from Baron Rivendare in Stratholme. | Both | |||
Dreadsteed of Xoroth Completed the Dreadsteed of Xoroth warlock quest. | Both | |||
Emblematic Earn any variety of Emblem. | ||||
Emblematic Earn any variety of Emblem. | ||||
Field Marshal Earned the title, Field Marshal. | ||||
Fiery Warhorse's Reins Obtain the Fiery Warhorse's Reins from Attumen the Huntsman in Karazhan. | Both | |||
First Sergeant Earned the title, First Sergeant. | ||||
Friends In High Places Obtain a Zhevra mount through the Recruit-a-Friend program. | Both | |||
Furious Gladiator Achieved Furious Gladiator title. | Both | |||
Furious Gladiator's Frostwyrm Obtain the Furious Gladiator's Frostwyrm from Arena Season 6 of Wrath of the Lich King. | Both | |||
General Earned the title, General. | ||||
Gnomecoming King You assisted High Tinker Mekkatorque and the Gnomeregan Exiles in the recapture of Gnomeregan's surface. | ||||
Gnomecoming Queen You assisted High Tinker Mekkatorque and the Gnomeregan Exiles in the recapture of Gnomeregan's surface. | Dun Morogh | |||
Grand Black War Mammoth Obtain a Grand Black War Mammoth. | Both | |||
Grand Marshal Earned the title, Grand Marshal. | ||||
Green Brewfest Stein Proud owner of the 2009 Vintage Green Brewfest Stein. | Both | |||
Grunt Earned the title, Grunt. | ||||
Hand of A'dal Earned the title, Hand of A'dal. | Both | |||
Hero of Shattrath Gained exalted status with The Scryers and The Aldor. | Both | |||
High Warlord Earned the title, High Warlord. | ||||
Insane in the Membrane Raise your reputation with the areas listed below. | Both | |||
Invincible's Reins Obtain Invincible from Arthas in Icecrown Citadel. | Both | |||
It's Over Nine Thousand! Earn more than 9000 achievement points. | Both | |||
Jade Tiger Logged in during the Jade Tiger giveaway. | Both | |||
Knight Earned the title, Knight. | ||||
Knight-Captain Earned the title, Knight-Captain. | ||||
Knight-Champion Earned the title, Knight-Champion. | ||||
Knight-Lieutenant Earned the title, Knight-Lieutenant. | ||||
Legionnaire Earned the title, Legionnaire. | ||||
Lieutenant Commander Earned the title, Lieutenant Commander. | ||||
Lieutenant General Earned the title, Lieutenant General. | ||||
Marshal Earned the title, Marshal. | ||||
Master Sergeant Earned the title, Master Sergeant. | ||||
Merciless Gladiator Achieved Merciless Gladiator title. | Both | |||
Merciless Nether Drake Obtain the Merciless Nether Drake from Arena Season 2 of The Burning Crusade. | Both | |||
Murkimus the Gladiator Proud owner of a Murkimus the Gladiator pet. | Both | |||
Murky Proud owner of Murky from the 2005 BlizzCon in Anaheim, California. | Both | |||
Murloc Costume Proud owner of the Murloc Costume from the 2007 BlizzCon in Anaheim, California. | Both | |||
Old School Ride Owner of one of the original epic mounts that are no longer attainable. | Both | |||
Onyx Panther Proud owner of an Onyx Panther. | Both | |||
Onyxia's Lair (Level 60) Defeat the classic, level 60 version of Onyxia. | Both | |||
Private Earned the title, Private. | ||||
Proof of Demise Completed the Northrend daily dungeon quests listed below. | Both | |||
Realm First! Celestial Defender Participated in the realm first defeat of Algalon the Observer in 25-player mode. | Ulduar | Both | ||
Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas Participated in the realm first defeat of Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas in 25-player mode. | Naxxramas | Both | ||
Realm First! Cooking Grand Master First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in cooking. | Both | |||
Realm First! Death's Demise Participated in the realm first defeat of Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 25-player mode. | Ulduar | Both | ||
Realm First! Fall of the Lich King Participated in the realm first defeat of the Lich King in 25-player heroic mode. | Icecrown Citadel | Both | ||
Realm First! First Aid Grand Master First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in first aid. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Crusader Participated in the realm first conquest of the Trial of the Grand Crusader with 50 attempts remaining in 25-player mode. | Trial of the Crusader | Both | ||
Realm First! Grand Master Alchemist First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in alchemy. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Angler First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in fishing. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Blacksmith First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in blacksmithing. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Enchanter First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in enchanting. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Engineer First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in engineering. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Herbalist First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in herbalism. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Jewelcrafter First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in jewelcrafting. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Leatherworker First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in leatherworking. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Miner First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in mining. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Scribe First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in inscription. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Skinner First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in skinning. | Both | |||
Realm First! Grand Master Tailor First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in tailoring. | Both | |||
Realm First! Level 80 First person on the realm to achieve level 80. | Both | |||
Realm First! Level 80 Blood Elf First blood elf on the realm to achieve level 80. | Both | |||
Realm First! Level 80 Death Knight First death knight on the realm to achieve level 80. | Both | |||
Realm First! Level 80 Draenei First draenei on the realm to achieve level 80. | Both | |||
Realm First! Level 80 Druid First druid on the realm to achieve level 80. | Both | |||
Realm First! Level 80 Dwarf First dwarf on the realm to achieve level 80. | Both | |||
Realm First! Level 80 Forsaken First forsaken on the realm to achieve level 80. | Both | |||
Realm First! Level 80 Gnome First gnome on the realm to achieve level 80. | Both |