Gothik the Harvester - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Gothik the Harvester


1.Gothik the Harvester
Speak with Gothik the Harvester at Death's Breach.


The entirety of this quest happens in Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave.
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CHAOS, <name>! The Crusade is in a frenzy. They have diverted all forces outside of New Avalon to set up a blockade at Light's Point, east of here. They are desperately trying to strip the Havenshire Mine of all resources and load the cargo aboard the frigates they have docked on the coast.

Let's stir things up a bit, shall we? Gothik the Harvester, grand necromancer of the Lich King, has graced us with his presence. He has a gift he'd like to bestow upon the Scarlet Crusade. Seek him out.


You have fought hard to invade the realm of the harvester... Wait.

<Gothik looks at his notes.>

My apologies, <race>. Old habits die hard.

Valanar sent you, then? I trust you are somewhat competent.

I do have a gift for the Scarlet dogs. One that is sure to speed up their work in the mines.

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