Massacre At Light's Point - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Massacre At Light's Point


4.Massacre At Light's Point
Prince Valanar at Death's Breach has commanded you to slaughter 100 Scarlet Defenders.
Scarlet Defender slain (100)


In their haste the Crusade will make one fatal error: forgetting to check the mine cars.

You are to return to Havenshire Mine, east of here, and locate the mine car that my minions have planted near the outhouse. Climb inside the mine car and a Scarlet miner will unwittingly see to it that you are placed safely behind enemy lines.

Once aboard one of their ships, use the cannons against them! SLAUGHTER THEM ALL!

Call the Scourge gryphon from the cannon when you are ready to return.


You will receive:
Plated Saronite Bracers
Also, you get: 2 50
Bonus talents: 1


Death knights know no fear!


The entire Scarlet fleet wiped out in a matter of minutes! I will receive a commendation from the Lich King for this! All that remains of the Scarlet Crusade now are the denizens of New Avalon.

I'll set the fire starters and necromancers upon Havenshire immediately. You will carry my report to the Highlord!

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