Speak with Prince Valanar at Death's Breach.
The entirety of this quest happens in Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave.
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Only the Scarlet forces at New Avalon and Light's Point challenge us! The time to attack the Scarlet fleet at Light's Point has come.
The diversion at the mine has caused chaos amidst their ranks. They are frantically working to clear the area and return to their ships.
The time is ripe! Prince Valanar is seizing this opportunity to finish off the Scarlet fleet. Report to him at once!
You have served us well, death knight. Few of your brethren have survived our initial attack upon the Scarlet interlopers. You remain as one of the strongest.
<Prince Valanar nods.>
East of us, past the Havenshire Mine, is the coast - called Light's Point by the Scarlet Crusade. A thousand soldiers stand between us and their ships. Insurmountable? Hardly the point...
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