The Gift That Keeps On Giving - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Gift That Keeps On Giving


2.The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Gothik the Harvester at Death's Breach has given you the Gift of the Harvester to use on Scarlet Miners. Create 5 Scarlet Ghouls with the device and return the ghouls to Gothik.
Scarlet Ghoul Returned (5)
Provided Item:
Gift of the Harvester


I have come from the frozen heart of Naxxramas to feast on souls and deliver a vicious thrashing upon our sworn enemies - and I'm all out of souls.

This device I am about to give to you is a portable plague spreader. Take it east, to the Havenshire Mines, and unleash it near the Scarlet miners working inside. Use it to turn the miners into ghouls and return to me when you have a small army at your side. I have saved a special place for them in the vacuum cleaner of souls!


You will receive:
Soul Harvester's Charm
Also, you get: 85
Bonus talents: 1


One small note: miners don't always become ghouls. Sometimes they turn into enraged spirits, hell-bent on killing you.


They now know that the mines are no longer safe. They will double their efforts in retreating, leaving their backs open to us!

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