Speak with Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus.
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Excuse me, friend...
It has come to my attention that Mathrengyl Bearwalker has put out word that he wishes to speak with you. It seems that your training as a druid is about to take on a new life, and he will be training you personally. Mathrengyl is the direct assistant to the Arch Druid himself, and is one of the most sage and august druids you'll find in Teldrassil.
He is located in the Cenarion Enclave of Darnassus, on the second floor of Fandral Staghelm's tree.
I am glad you found your way here today. young <class>. The time has come for you to take a large step into a much larger world.
Inside each of Cenarius' children is the call to serve nature. Animals and plants are our friends as well as our charges. We choose to devote our lives as preservers of balance for their sakes as well as our own. Your first step into this world will be to learn of the ways of the bear, and to learn strength of body and heart.
Ready yourself!
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