Body and Heart - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Body and Heart


5.Body and Heart
Use the Cenarion Moondust on the Moonkin Stone of Auberdine to bring forth Lunaclaw. From there, you must face Lunaclaw and earn the strength of body and heart it possesses.

Speak with Mathrengyl Bearwalker in Darnassus when you are done.
Face Lunaclaw and earn the strength of body and heart it possesses.
Provided Item:
Cenarion Moondust


The entirety of this quest happens in Darnassus.
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Directly east of Auberdine lay many moonkin caves. The one closest to Auberdine has a Moonkin Stone inside it. Lunaclaw, the defender of the stone, will face you only when Cenarion Moondust is applied to it. Lunaclaw possesses within it a strength that you must use as one of the Claw.

You've earned the right to use this Cenarion Moondust, <name>... now show me that you've earned the right to possess the strength of body and the strength of heart needed as a druid!


The following spell will be cast on you:
Bear Form


You have finally taken your large step into a much larger world, <name>. I sense the teaching of the Great Bear Spirit within you, and I sense that you have received the strength that Lunaclaw possessed.

There are no further obstacles in your way... let me now teach you what it means to be a <class> of the Claw!

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