Return to Darnassus and speak with Mathrengyl Bearwalker in the Cenarion Enclave.
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The time has come for us to part ways, young one, as the application of your lessons takes you back to whom that sent you to me. Mathrengyl Bearwalker walks truly in balance with nature, even as he dwells precariously close to where the balance has faltered. Listen to his instructions, and you will soon complete your first lessons into your role as a protector of balance.
Go now, young one. We shall meet again.
Welcome back, <name>. I sense that your first meeting with the Great Bear Spirit is the same as it is with all druids when they first start down the path of the Claw... a little bewildering, but very intense. I know it was that way with me.
The Great Bear Spirit has been a part of Azeroth as long as Azeroth has existed in the heavens. We have come to rely on its wisdom and its power to fuel our purpose. Now, the time has now come for your first test of this purpose. Listen closely...
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