Seek out the Great Bear Spirit in northwestern Moonglade and learn what it has to share with you about the nature of the bear. When finished, return to Dendrite Starblaze in Nighthaven, Moonglade.
| Seek out the Great Bear Spirit and learn what it has to share with you about the nature of the bear. |
The entirety of this quest happens in Moonglade.
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In the northwest part of Moonglade resides the home of a wise and noble being we call the Great Bear Spirit. For all druids, it has served as a tutor and mentor into the first true natural understanding of the bear. All druids at one point seek the spirit's wisdom, and you shall be no exception.
Go to the Great Bear Spirit now and learn what it will teach. When it is satisfied with you, return to me here in Nighthaven. We will then see if you have truly taken account of the lessons it teaches.
Dendrite makes another invisible gesture in the air above him as you approach. Another aura of power comes over him. and he smiles ever so slightly.
"I sense wisdom in you, young one, that was not present when we first met. You gaze upon me with strength and knowing intent, though this intent is yet not focused. You will now learn to focus your strength and adopt the nature of the bear into your work."
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